Sunday, November 28, 2010

on the crossroads of life.....

मैं चलता चला गया...

जाने किस सोच में था,
बिना सोचे-समझे, दिखती जो राहें,
उनपर चलता चला गया.....

हूँ गलत राह पर, जब ये जाना,
आगे चलकर सही राह मिल जाएँ,
ये सोच आगे चलता चला गया....

इतना उत्साह किसे था,
मंजिल तक जाने का;
भी जाने किसके लिए,
मैं आगे चलता चला गया....

मेरा मन क्या चाहता था,
किसे पता ??
प्रश्नों के उत्तरों की तलाश में
मैं आगे चलता चला गया.....

जाने क्या तर्क बन रहा था,
मेरे चलते जाने का;
अपनी गलती को सही साबित करने लिए,
मैं आगे चलता चला गया....

अब और क्या कहें,
फिर एक नए मोड़ पर खड़ा हूँ ,
इतना साहस नहीं.... खुदकी हार स्वीकार कर सकूँ.....
संसार की मार से छुपती फिरती,
खुदकी बिखरी शक्शियत को बचाने के लिए,
मैं आगे चलता चला गया.....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

one on the GooD oLd scHoOl dAyz......

Mom, it’s getting late

Mom, its getting late….

Bring my pencil and my slate…

Fill some more bread and more jam…

I Promise, I won’t share it with Tom and Sam….

A ‘beauty’ waits for me there….

with a stick in hand…

And won’t let me get in,

unless I have one on the hand….

Is the homework done?...

She will ask me today….

When I know, it is not…

What shall I say???

She catches my lies, and hears no excuse….

And never hesitates when I’m to be abused…

Then makes me sit beside the girls….

Oh! Those oily long hair… my life really suckssss……

A Reason

once a boy and a girl were friends.... accidentally, the girl comes to know about the boy's real feelings for her.... of course they don't face each other much, from then on.... but after days of silence, what's the first question she asks him...... "what's the reason you love me???" and he couldn't provide her with an appropriate answer, 'coz he didn't have one...... he kept trying to search his soul for an answer, but somewhere he knew, may be he never will... for he was convinced, there isn't any..... there is no reason to fall for someone.... its just so purposeless and strangely beautiful....


Is everything done for a reason?
may be....... may be not...

May be there is a reason
why the maples fall once a year....
but can you guess me the reason,
as to why I'm restless when you aren't near...?
Though convinced that I'm right,
when it concerns you.....
why i tend to make decisions.......
.....soaked in fear....??
May be there is a reason for all this.....
though it isn't clear to me yet, dear...

May be there is a reason
why winters come after the rain.....
but can a reason suffice
how can one understand else's pain.....?
how can one care for someone else,
more than oneself,
without hesitating once,
without caring of any gain....?
May be there is a reason to satisfy them.....
but yet, none has come across my brain.....

May be there is a reason
for everything that goes on in life....
or may be there isn't.....
may be things aren't what they seem like...
Can't a thing be accepted
for what it is,
without asking 'why it is,
the way it is....' ?
I don't blame inquisitiveness
but some things need to be excused....
The world asked me to change....
i kept listening to my heart...... and refused.......

Monday, November 8, 2010


i promise to myself......
each time i think about you.......
i should not miss you so much......
i must not feel so sick,
when you are not there.......
but still........
i could not stop the tear from falling......
when you were going away.........
lots of NOTs have broken me......
made me crowds.........
i wish for a day when i cry.......
but the falling tear meets your hands......
a day when i am not there........
and you wont be able to let go my absence unnoticed..........